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Wednesday, 11 March 2020

What You Need to Know In Order to Prevent Gynaecological Cancers

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gynaecological cancers

A lot of women have been suffering from some or the other types of gynaecological problems. Some have successfully eradicated it with the help of an early treatment while others are fighting for their life. Women are more likely to get some of the Gynaecological Cancers and are much higher in risk than men. These are breast, lung, colorectal, cervical, ovarian cancers, endometrial, and skin cancer. Health screening has helped many women to cure their cancer before it turns untreatable. For example, cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in women and has affected them severely. To help women lead a happy healthy life, cervical screening has become one of the most important parts of their life. Pap test has helped a lot of women to know about their cervical cancer before it gets into a full blown cancerous tissue.

Screening helps in detecting cancers

Screening is very helpful in identifying the potential risks in your body. The most common cause of disease that affects sexually active women is cervical cancer. Screening for cervical cancer is a must for every woman aged 21-69. During such ages, cancer tends to increase rapidly and have a severe impact on your health. When abnormal cells start to build up in the lining of the cervix, that uncontrolled growth is referred to as cervical cancer. When you see your OBGYN, pap smear only tests for pre cancer cells of the cervix.

In the United States, 14000 was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2019. Of course, there are many ways to reduce the chances of having cervical cancer and it can be eradicated too early. Unfortunately this is a disease that affects women both in the US and internationally on a large scale. This is the irony that every woman by far knows about cervical cancer but hardly anyone takes screening seriously. The rise of cervical cancer despite having the solution to detect them early proves the ignorance of those thousands of women to get tested for it before.

Many types of gynaecological cancers

Other than this, there are many gynaecological cancers that have bothered women throughout decades. Here’s a list of some common ones!

A woman’s gynaecological organs include vagina, ovary /fallopian, womb, cervix, and vulva. All the systems might get cancer in many different forms. Every year, 9300 women are detected with cancer in the womb, 7500 new cases of tubal cancer and 3000 new cases of vaginal cancers. The numbers are increasing and so is the awareness in women. That’s why they have been constantly warned about the benefits of doing screening to prevent the threat.

Indicative early signs and symptoms

As in case with a lot of diseases, cancers will also indicate you to some early signs that are very vital in diagnosing it. Notice them carefully and also make a thorough note on what frequencies or when you are having it.

The symptoms for most of the cancers are quite similar, that’s why we have a general list:

     Strange discharge and unusual bleeding outside your periods time.
     Bleeding after menopause
     Bloating abnormally
     Unusual pain in bowels
     Pain while urinating
     Swelling on vulva
     Ulcer or any type of warts in vagina (it may be any part of your reproductive system)
     Sudden weight loss or gain
     Pain while having sex (pain is common but unusual pain and extended pain is something not in common)

If you have any type of cancer, it will indicate more or less the same type of hints as mentioned above.

When do you have risks of cancers?

Getting cancer depends on your lifestyle habits, your internal functioning of the organs, your hereditary history and also different types of psychological trauma.

     If you have a faulty gene, you may have cell mutation which will grow without any reason. That’s why people with a family history of cancer are at a higher risk of getting cancerous growth in their body.
  Lifestyle habits can also lead to risk factors such as obesity, diabetes, using hormone replacement medication or using too much estrogen. All these can increase the risk for the womb cancer.
   10-15% of women are suffering from higher risk of ovarian cancer because of their faulty genes.
     HPV can increase the risk of having some more cancerous growth.

In case if you have all the above symptoms

If you are reading this and are worried about the symptoms, your next question would be what you should do! The moment you realize that you are having such symptoms similar to what have been mentioned, you must consult with your GP or just search for walk in clinic near me. Make sure you know where you are going before making a full appointment schedule. Research thoroughly before visiting any clinic or GP. The residents of Harley Street can make their appointment at

The survival rate

Your survival rate totally depends on the stage of your cancer along with the types you have. If diagnosed early, you can have better chances of escaping from the disease.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Fibroids and Pregnancy

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Fibroids and Pregnancy

It is quite glaring that fibroid is becoming one of the most commonly discussed issues among private gynaecologists. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that grow on or inside the uterus, or womb. They can either appear small or large and can grow inside the uterine cavity, in the uterine wall or outside the uterine wall.

However, they are becoming pervasive among women of all ages. At least, about 30 to 60% of women have fibroids by age 35, while almost 80% of women have them by age 50, which means uterine fibroids are bound to occur among some women even during their child reproduction years.
However, most women are often concerned about the effect of fibroids on their ability to reproduce. In this article, we will be unravelling issues relating to fibroid and how it can affect a woman's pregnancy.

Fibroid effects on pregnancy

Not all women experience complications from fibroid during their pregnancy. Research suggests that about 20 to 30% of women with fibroids may develop complications during pregnancy. However, if complications occur, they are usually one of the following :

Placental abruption: sometimes, a fibroid may lead to placental abruption. Placental abruption occurs when the placenta breaks out from the uterine wall. When this occurs, it reduces the quality of essential nutrient and oxygen needed for the growth of a foetus.

Fetal growth restriction: fibroid may either appear large or small. The growth of large fibroid in the uterine wall can reduce the amount of space in the womb required for the baby to grow. Most times, it results in inadequacies in child development and growth.

Cesarean delivery: research shows that women with fibroids are more likely to undergo cesarean delivery compared to women without any form of growth in their uterus.
It is quite important to note that not all women with growth experience complications during pregnancy. Research, however, suggests that over 70% of women with fibroids before conceiving decreased in size after childbirth.

In summary, in cases where the fibroids are small, with a patent fallopian tubes and healthy uterine cavity, there are little or no complications during pregnancies.

What are the effects of fibroids on fertility?

At our private gynaecologist clinic in London, questions are often directed to the effect of fibroid on a woman's ability to conceive. However, in most cases, fibroids may not necessarily interfere with your chances of getting pregnant. Some women with fibroids have been able to conceive naturally, even without treatment. Nevertheless, several women have encountered some difficulties in conceiving without treatment.
Although fibroids may cause infertility for some women, there are other glaring causes of infertility; which is why you need to visit your private gynaecologist as early as possible.

What action needs to be taken?

A consultation with a private gynaecologist in London or a fibroid specialist is often required. However, we only recommend a one on one consultation with a fibroid specialist in London only when you are sure you have a fibroid. Whichever may be the case, an ultrasound scan is often carried out to make an assessment for fibroid and to determine its size. If the fibroids are large and within the uterine cavity, further assessment will be carried out. In some cases, surgical operation will be carried out to remove the growth.

For more information's on fibroid and pregnancy, please visit a fibroid specialist or our Harley Street gynecologist. Call 020 7183 0435 To book an appointment with us.